DKBIKE - Din foretrukne hjulpartner
DKBIKE is a Danish company with headquarters in the heart of Denmark, namely Vejle.
We have a showroom in Vejle, which is open by appointment. We often have events with various cycling clubs and we love guests. We are not afraid to fire up the grill or serve some good drinks and cake.

Anders has DKBIKE in his blood, he loves running a business and combines it with his great passion, namely cycling.
Anders started DKBIKE in 2020 because he needed new wheels, good light ones and not least wheels that were affordable - from there the idea for DKBIKE arose. The rest is history.
Ander's favorite quote; "Difficult yes. Impossible no"
"My greatest cycling moment was when I rode up Alpe D'Huez (even though my son gave me the rear wheel)"
Anders has DKBIKE in his blood, he loves running a business and combines it with his great passion, namely cycling.
Anders started DKBIKE in 2020 because he needed new wheels, good light ones and not least wheels that were affordable - from there the idea for DKBIKE arose. The rest is history.
Ander's favorite quote; "Difficult yes. Impossible no"
"My greatest cycling moment was when I rode up Alpe D'Huez (even though my son gave me the rear wheel)"

Stephan is a man with many balls in the air. If you meet Stephan, you can be sure that there are new projects and ideas in the pipeline. Stephan is cycling Team Rynkeby for the third time, and takes pride in supporting the good cause, and he loves to combine his hobby with work.
Stephan's favorite quote "That's what we do"
"My greatest cycling moment is arriving in Paris with Team Rynkeby, after many hours of training and a long cycling season, it was huge to arrive in Paris"
Stephan is a man with many balls in the air. If you meet Stephan, you can be sure that there are new projects and ideas in the pipeline. Stephan is cycling Team Rynkeby for the third time, and takes pride in supporting the good cause, and he loves to combine his hobby with work.
Stephan's favorite quote "That's what we do"
"My greatest cycling moment is arriving in Paris with Team Rynkeby, after many hours of training and a long cycling season, it was huge to arrive in Paris"

Sine is DKBIKE's octopus, i.a. SoMe, finance, purchasing, customer inquiries and everything else between heaven and earth. You can meet her in the showroom, where she is primarily located.
Sine's favorite quote "Now we also have to remember the fun"
"My greatest cycling moment was experiencing the Tour De France in our city Vejle as well as in France - it's a crazy big setup, it's impressive"
Sine is DKBIKE's octopus, i.a. SoMe, finance, purchasing, customer inquiries and everything else between heaven and earth. You can meet her in the showroom, where she is primarily located.
Sine's favorite quote "Now we also have to remember the fun"
"My greatest cycling moment was experiencing the Tour De France in our city Vejle as well as in France - it's a crazy big setup, it's impressive"

Hvad kan vi gøre for dig?
Hos DKBIKE handler det om hvad vi kan gøre for dig som rytter - uanset dit niveau. Vi er klar over at ikke alle er så nørdede som os, så vores fokus er at sikrer at tingene ikke er så tekniske og er letforståelige. Når du vælger DKBIKE, kan du forvente:
- Gør din cykel hurtigere Vores hjul er aerodynamiske, lette og udviklet til at øge farten når du cykler
- Forbedret komfort Vibrationer og ujævnt underlag kan være rigtig trælse. Vores hjul absorbere mange af ujævnhederne, specielt via de brede hjul og dermed muligheden for brede dæk. Det giver stor komfort, hvilket du vil kunne mærke fra km-0
- Lirens
Det er helt ok at gå op i hvordan din cykel ser ud - du skal synes godt om din cykel - både ift. hvordan den kører såvel som hvordan den ser ud. Med vores carbonhjul får din cykel et gevaldigt løft, der ændrer det visuelle udtryk på din cykel markant - Ekspertvejledning og service
Det er noget af det vigtigste for os: At yde en helt igennem fantastisk service. Vi rådgiver dig til hvilke hjul der passer til dig og dine behov - vi sælger dig ikke noget du ikke har brug for
Hvorfor vælge DKBIKE?
- Testet af flere cykelmedier, herunder:, Altomcykling og Velomore (Skandinaviens største cykelmagasin)
- DKBIKE er Velomores foretrukne hjulmærke - en blåstempling af vores kvalitet
- Testet og rost af vores mange glade kunder, hvilket ses i de utallige gode kundeudtalelser vi har
- Lang garanti - vi står inde for kvaliteten
- Den høje service vi yder til vores kunder - vi står altid klar til at hjælpe dig
Opgradér dine hjul nu til DKBIKE - du vil elske det
Med DKBIKE får du ikke bare et produkt - du får en helt igennem fantastisk investering i bedre cykelture, hvad enten det er komfort, fart, lir eller en kombination af det hele. Vi står klar til at hjælpe dig igang med DKBIKE carbonhjul.
Se vores udvalg af carbon hjul her
Velkommen til DKBIKE - vi glæder os til at tage imod dig.